Hepatology Digest: there has been some progress in HCC screening with more patients being diagnosed early so there are many changes and challenges in clinical practice.
Because there are so many factors that can influence NFS performance, make changes only one-at-a-time so that you can accurately assess the impact of your change.
There are so many changes I’ve gone through, from quitting smoking to simplifying my life to reducing debt to many more.
Because there are so many factors that can influence NFS performance, make changes only one at a time so that you can accurately assess the impact of your change.
Since there are so many changes to Linux 2.6 as compared with 2.4, there is talk in the kernel world that the new release may actually be named 3.0.
由于相对于2.4来说Linux 2.6发生了太多的变化,所以在Linux内核界有一种说法是新的发布版本应该命名为3.0。
In any event there are so many who sense that changes are happening, even if they are not so well informed as to the nature of them.
There are so many changes and the Elephant and WalrusKingdoms are very excited to share of what we observe.
There are so many changes just in ten years. It is long, because we can do many things and make changes during that time.
The home business market is very competitive, and it changes everyday; there are so many smart people out there who know what it takes to be successful.
There are so many changes and so many problems and so little experience to help us.
There are so many changes and so many problems and so little experience to help us.