So what happens next, when television's most famous judge leaves the show he put on the map?
Click through to the next image to see what happens if the data isn't so neat.
The whole nation is watching closely to see what happens over the next few years as Chengdu takes off the iron collar and breaks down the wall that kept farmers and urbanites separated for so long.
Next, let's see what happens if you decide you want to change the field tag so that it generates Booleans, dates, and text components automatically.
So we'll let the dust settle and see what happens over the next week or so.
I want to be around for the next 50 years for my kids, so what am I going to do to make sure that happens?
Solutions that take too long will never get done, so Squirrel suggested thinking about what you can do in a week or even in a hour, and building up the solution the next time a problem happens.
Yes it's a nice gesture, it's very good, but it still doesn't change the result today, so we'll see what happens in the next RACES.
Unfortunately, you won't likely get what you expect now, so be as flexible as possible and try to be satisfied with whatever happens next.
I think that we've got to work on our pace for the next race, so we need to do some more long runs and understand what happens to the balance during the test in Sepang.
I feel so privileged and humbled to be Mr World 2016... it has been an amazing journey to this point, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
I feel so privileged and humbled to be Mr World 2016... it has been an amazing journey to this point, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.