On the prevention and suppression of crime and maintaining social and economic stability has played an important role.
The financial crisis caused a large number of migrant worker to return home, the employment of migrant worker is directly related to our social and economic stability.
The Report from Iron Mountain, among other documents in the public domain, references the organized and orchestrated requirement for war in order to maintain macro-scale economic and social stability.
That leaves Germany forced to choose between two bedrock principles in its own social contract: economic stability and EU integration.
As economic growth slows and factories close, job losses threaten social stability.
The role of financial media is central to delivering the objectives of informed and transparent financial markets, as well as the social stability that depends upon economic success.
Its 8 percent economic growth is considered necessary to maintain social stability and provide jobs for tens of millions of new laborers swarming into the country's crowded job market every year.
In addition, communal harmony and social stability are frequently combined with these East Asian economic success stories.
It is an urging question to regulate bankruptcy behavior, to vindicate social stability and to fulfill justice in dealing with bankruptcy affairs of economic subjects.
In response to this enormous social groups to establish a social security system conducive to social production and reproduction of labor, can promote economic prosperity and social stability.
Effective prevention and control of the H1N1 flu are crucial to people's health and economic and social stability around the world.
有效防控甲型H1N 1流感,事关各国人民健康和经济社会稳定。
Greatly endangering the economic order and the social stability, illegal pyramid selling is one of the prominent problems which occurred in the field of economic crimes in recent years.
The full digital modulation system has high reliability and stability. The practice indicates that the economic and social benefits are gained after reconstruction.
The security and stability of the banking industry is closely related to the economic and social stability of a country.
Through developing to drive end presspillar of flexible flight conveyor, stability and reliability are raised, physical labour is reduced with worker. There are good economic and social results.
通过可弯曲刮板输送机机尾压柱的改制, 增强其稳定性和可靠性,提高安全使用性能,适当减轻作业工人体力劳动,具有良好的经济和社会效益。
The sponsors' behavior directly determines the legal and efficient incorporation of the company, influence the safety of transaction and the stability of the social economic order.
Entering WTO is to bring about certain effect on the economic and social stability in our country.
These emergency incidents will not only cause heavy casualties and huge economic losses, but also impact on social stability seriously.
As one of the main structural flood control measures, reservoir plays an important role in national economic development and social stability.
Once connected incidents occurred, ranging from economic losses to the endangered grid, the equipment and personal safety, even for the community unstable factors affecting social stability.
As a result, residential housing prices has become a widespread concern and a: hot issue, especially these increases' continuity and rapidity directly impact on China's economic and social stability.
In recent year, the income gap between citizens in our country has an increasingly enlarged tendency. This kind of situation has been affecting our country's economic growth and social stability.
Employment is the most pressing problems to us, it related to economic growth and social stability.
Regional economic growth is influenced by many factors. There are individual differences of regional economic level in China. This exercises a great influence on economic growth and social stability.
We made overall plans and efforts to guarantee economic growth, value people's livelihood and ensure social stability.
We made overall plans and efforts to guarantee economic growth, value people's livelihood and ensure social stability.