I don't think the writer has ever been at grips with any serious social issue.
The graduates' starting salary is not only an economic issue, but also a significant social issue.
Urban poverty as a major social issue is being the universal concern of all countries in the world.
He says that he also plans to write a song about drunk driving, another widely focused social issue.
Cognitive impairment is an important medical and social issue with vascular risk factors as its cause.
Controlling and reducing automobile pollution is a complexly technological and extensively social issue.
This paper tends to evoke this social issue to which little political attention has been paid until present.
There are many poor people in Chinese countryside. This is not only an economic problem, but also a social issue.
It's becoming a social issue for aging parents in the country to cope with life when their only child passes away.
With increasing number of women taking part in full-time jobs, who should take care of children has become a social issue.
The former is someone's personal dissatisfaction with a social issue while the latter offers insights into the root of social problems.
With the increase in its number and the intensiveness of its theory, the civil lawsuit of public welfare has already a hot social issue.
Exhaustion of duty field psychology is the indisposition on individual mood not just, had become the social issue that nots allow to ignore.
The problem of university graduates finding jobs has been debated in the media for at least a decade as a difficult social issue and it never improves.
The women guarantee one another's debts and meet every two weeks to make payments and discuss a social issue, like family planning or schooling for girls.
Employment is a social issue of great significance, which has aroused general concern in exploring the cause of this problem and the methods to solve it.
Safety of business travel was an important social issue in commercial society, and was of primary importance to the formation and stability of the market.
It is right to recognize that the drug problem in Mexico is more than a security issue; it is also an economic and social issue and should be addressed as such.
It is imperative that our legislative body include this social issue into the law-making agenda; otherwise it will upset stability of this nation in the long run.
Just a few years ago, the main social issue in India was farmer suicides because of low agricultural prices. Today, it is the lack of affordability of food for the poor.
For network societies have been the presentation of the future meaning in the society, supply of the network order has become the most significative social issue in the present.
The claim could not be confirmed, but a nationwide effort would mark an unusual degree of cooperation on a social issue in Cambodia, where activism tends to be local and small-scale.
Today, with the establishment of more and more groups and big corporations, how small businesses can survive in the tide of the market competitive economy has become a hot social issue.
This article discusses the issue of conflict concerned with the education quality evaluation in Chinas middle school education practice, in the meantime it is also a hotspot social issue.
The environmental problem, as a current social issue, is edging into the center, which has resulted in the public's introspection of their central status and the rationality of their conceptual ideas.
The biomedical, epidemiological and social medicine characteristics of HIV/AIDS determine that HIV/AIDS is not only a medical or health issue, but also a central public and social issue in this world.
The biomedical, epidemiological and social medicine characteristics of HIV/AIDS determine that HIV/AIDS is not only a medical or health issue, but also a central public and social issue in this world.