Have soft romantic music playing in the background, and dim the lights so that it's mostly the candles lighting the room.
Your lover USES soft lights, romantic music, and a glass of iced coffee to get you in the mood.
ON the luxuious belcony, rich people are drinking with very romantic soft music on the backgroung. the price is starting from USD170 to USD370 or much more a night.
在豪华的阳台上,有钱人在浪漫的轻音乐中饮酒。 那里的房费要170-370美金一晚,或者更贵呢。
ON the luxuious belcony, rich people are drinking with very romantic soft music on the backgroung. the price is starting from USD170 to USD370 or much more a night.
在豪华的阳台上,有钱人在浪漫的轻音乐中饮酒。 那里的房费要170-370美金一晚,或者更贵呢。