Good software engineering practice calls for systems to be loosely-coupled wherever possible.
As with global variables, good software engineering practice dictates against the use of this technique.
Functionality represents a software engineering practice or discipline to be provided by the development environment.
Flexibility - The adherence to good software engineering practice in SOA allows it to be more responsive to business needs.
In this sense, we believe the SBS approach will really push current software practice not only more agile, but more critically toward real "engineering" paradigm.
And, in accordance with practice 4.4, the software engineering professional would "Not engage in deceptive financial practices such as bribery, double billing, or other improper financial practices."
If software development is, in fact, a form of engineering, then there should be a well-understood process that tells us how to practice the discipline.
IllustrationI've said more than once over the last couple of years that "software engineering" is a misnomer. We actually practice software development.
The software has a friendly interface, is easy to use and has been applied in the engineering practice.
The measurement accuracy control, hardware design and software engineering preparation method are from the projecting practice, which provides some reference and practical value.
In practice, both BPM as a management discipline and BPM as software engineering both require dedicated solutions.
So far, the colleges of engineering have rarely introduced CAD to the practice designing course of machine designing because there is no practicable software.
The course of software engineering is quite theoretical and hard for students to understand its principles in class, if they have no actual development practice.
On the wind engineering problems, based on general CFD software, the establishment of appropriate numerical models can meet the requirements of the engineering practice.
The software is linked closely with engineering practice and design department, which makes it conform to the habit of design and practice better.
The software is linked closely with engineering practice and design department, which makes it conform to the habit of design and practice better.