A software project risk management model based on Bayesian networks is presented.
At the end of the article, some useful measures were summarized for the practice of software project risk management.
Traditional software project risk management system usually adopts manual methods, and cannot satisfy the needs of software development.
The risk analysis process is an important part of software project risk management. It is significant for the risk control and related decisions.
This plan is used along with the software development plan and the risk management plan to assess the project feasibility.
Risk in software project management is also well-known, although it is usually expressed qualitatively in a documented risk list.
There is ample literature and knowledge on modern portfolio concepts and risk-based approaches that software project managers can draw upon to enhance their management methods.
Cyclic Bayesian network provides modeling method and inference algorithms for the management of software project iterative process risk.
Firstly this paper points out the shortcomings of traditional methods of management of software project, and the necessity of risk management of software project.
In addition, the flow of risk management in software project development is adjusted and dynamic risk management of software project is realized using BNs belief update.
Risk management means the actions taken to avoid things going wrong on a software development project, things that might negatively impact the quality, timeliness, or cost of a project.
Risk management means the actions taken to avoid things going wrong on a software development project, things that might negatively impact the quality, timeliness, or cost of a project.