Soil water-stress led by longer drought in summer could also influence soil respiration rate obviously.
In addition its water resources are unevenly distributed, much of its soil is poor, and climate change is likely to increase water stress in key parts of the country.
Mesh and pads are made of hexagonal wire mesh surface with high strength and flexibility, can accept or absorbed by soil and water stress occurred.
Watershed is the basic portion of the great river, the stress of the water and soil erosion management.
The paper studied on influence of VA mycorrhiza on maize plant growth, photosynthesis, nutrient absorption and water utilization under water stress with soil culture experiment.
It was lightly influenced by bulk of reserved water adjustment in drought stress, but the absolute reserved water adjustment was depended on SAP flow, which influenced by soil water conditions.
Water stress can decrease the availability of soil nutrients.
The harvest index of all the test lines increased with the decrease of soil water potentials, indicating that water stress enhances translocation of assimilates to grains.
Based on test data of 15 years, it was analysed the effect of soil water stress on rice in different growth period and presents rice water production function.
The process of pore water discharge in soil is actually a process of effective stress increase.
Land subsidence results from changes in the pressure borne by pore water in the soil and the effective stress borne by soil skeleton.
Stress corrosion cracking of an X60 pipeline steel in soil containing water has been investigated using slow strain rate test.
The paper analyses the stress faced by the ecological system of Feiketu river basin due to project construction, vegetation damage, soil erosion, water pollution and overburden water use.
The growth of root was restrained and activity of root decreased under severe water stress ( water content of soil is 35% the content of field holding water).
The physiological indexes were significantly affected by soil water stress but different sensitivity of each index was showed.
The growth of root was promoted, and increased in root top ratio value and activity of root under moderate water stress (water content of soil is 60% the content of field holding water).
The shear strength curve and compressed curve and soil-water characteristic curve as well as triaxial stress-strain curve of intact loess were obtained.
The interaction between pore water and soil skeleton including both buoyancy and seepage effects could be precisely taken into account in a fully coupled effective stress approach.
The effects of soil water stress on membrane protective system and membrane lipid peroxidation in 3-year-old Taxus media cv.
In the condition of slight stress of soil water and nitrogen, the LrD in the subsoil is increased, but the senescence rate of the root is higher during the final growth stage of crops.
It was shown that damping coefficient increased with increasing stress of soil around pile and was influenced by soil property and water content.
On the basis of cavity expansion theory, the formulae of excess pore water pressure has been proposed, and the stress and strain of soil had been analyzed.
It is shown in the tests that the model is able to assess the stress - strain relationship on unsaturated soil of different water contents.
Experimental results show the typical characteristics of soil liquefaction: excess static pore-water pressure increases, effective stress decreases, and volumetric strain increment increases.
Xinjiang is one of the main droughty areas, the erosion of sand and salt soil are serious. However, the maize in growth stage needs large amount of water, and maize is very sensitive to salt-stress.
Xinjiang is one of the main droughty areas, the erosion of sand and salt soil are serious. However, the maize in growth stage needs large amount of water, and maize is very sensitive to salt-stress.