During the sun's violent periods, it throws off charged particles in fast-moving strings called solar winds.
During the sun's violent periods, it throws off charged particles in fast moving strings called solar winds.
For this reason, Chang'e 4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft.
There are thunderous explosions, fierce solar winds, and forces so strong that they imprison even light.
While comets supplied the moon's internal supply of water, solar winds supplied the moon's external supply of water.
Also destroyed was its cargo of four scientific satellites to study how the Earth's magnetic field interacts with solar winds.
It will determine how the Sun's magnetic field is generated and converted into such violent solar events such as turbulent solar winds.
The Earth has a strong magnetic field created by its hot molten core - or centre - and this protects us from the Sun's harmful solar winds.
Their prediction is based on levels of rare isotopes that accumulate in the Earth's crust when weak solar winds allow cosmic rays to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere.
Their prediction is based on levels of rare isotopes that accumulate in the Earth"s crust when weak solar winds allow cosmic rays to penetrate the Earth"s atmosphere.
The ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 KMS above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds.
One theory suggests that hydrogen released by the Sun in solar winds could have reacted with compounds containing oxygen in the Moon rock, producing tiny amounts of H20.
Physical processes of the propagation of the solar cosmic rays in the interplanetary space include the diffusion in interplanetary disordered magnetic fields and the convection in solar winds.
Large scale solar installations are usually in sunny, dry desert areas where winds can deposit layers of dust over the solar panels.
A small pilot project will help determine if solar panels can withstand high winds and dust.
Eventually, one planet loses the battle and winds up in the nether regions of its solar system or kicked out of the parent star's orbital nest entirely.
The OSO has shed new light on the relation between solar flares, winds, and sun radiation.
Summer anomaly can be explained by combining effects of two competing cause, thermospheric winds and solar effects on ionosphere.
A complete site analysis revealed extreme climate variations, including intense solar exposure, prevailing winds, temperature fluctuations and extended snow coverage from October through April.
Bursts of stellar winds caress your solar system, bringing good news from distant points of the Galaxy.
Bursts of stellar winds caress your solar system, bringing good news from distant points of the Galaxy.