From about 6 months we started introducing solid food in a form of purees.
Local yokel: Yes, Sir. When I arrived here, I couldn't walk or eat solid food.
Contrary to popular belief, eating solid food is not essential during short-term illness.
The doctor ordered the woman to be kept off all solid food for at least twenty-four hours.
Without molars to chew food, choking can happen at any time you are feeding your baby solid food.
The miners will be taken off solid food ready for their ascent and given only specially-enriched drinks.
When she started eating solid food, I never gave her anything sweet until she had something healthy first.
For such babies, it is better to blend the solid food with a familiar taste of milk before offering it to the baby.
The process of breaking down the solid food into smaller, simpler and diffusible molecules by the digestive enzymes.
Pediatricians can help parents delay solid food by helping them better understand their baby's signals, Dr. Scanlon said.
The baby craves the pure milk from his mother's breast so that he might grow up and learn to eat solid food in the future.
Breastmilk was my daughter's main nutrition until she was around 1 year and 6 months (she didn't like eating any solid food).
However I thought that TM just did not have the merits to consume the nectarpills as he was no longer able to take in any solid food.
However, I thought that TM just did not have the merits to consume the nectar pills as he was no longer able to take in any solid food.
They are now receiving supplies including rehydration drinks, some solid food and anti-depressants through one of three bore holes from the surface.
Nasogastric, nasoduodenal, or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube feeding should be used in patients unable to take liquids or solid food.
Reduce the volume of trash you have to pack out and save weight by repackaging solid food into plastic bags and liquids into reusable containers.
This machine is designed for packing solid food in grain, strip or slice shape such as puffy food, candy, peanut, puffy maize or puffy rice and so on.
After crunching the Numbers, the researchers found that the formula-fed kids who started on solid food by four months were six times more likely to be obese.
The practice of giving solid food to a toothless child, is not less absurd, than to expect corn to be ground where there is no apparatus for grinding it.
However, a week ago I became interested in doing a juice fast, which means consuming nothing but fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juice (and water), no solid food.
The Eucharistic fast consists in abstaining from solid food, beverages and alcoholic drinks within one hour of receiving Communion. Water may be taken any time.
答: 就是领圣体前一小时内,不许进用固体或液体食品,亦不得进用含有酒性的饮料。但清水不在禁止之列。
So, the proposal is to eat some solid food drink again balsam pear juice, let the food in the stomach empty time more slowly more conducive to absorb nutrition.
“Babies will let you know what they need. If they're making a fuss over the food you're eating, they're letting you know it's time to sample some solid foods,” says Dr.
Four to six months of age is the time to prepare the baby to take solid food, since milk alone would not suffice to offer all the nutrients needed for the growing baby.
因为牛奶不能满足婴儿生长发育所需的全部营养,所以4 ~6个月的婴儿就应该开始补充其他食品。
But on Wednesday, the CDC released a new study that shows there is actually no link between the age at which a child first eats solid food and their risk of obesity.
Objective to observe the effect of gunfire noise on gastrointestinal transit of solid food, and to probe its mechanism by measuring the levels of plasma polypeptide hormones.
Objective to observe the effect of gunfire noise on gastrointestinal transit of solid food, and to probe its mechanism by measuring the levels of plasma polypeptide hormones.