Setting forests aside for tigers is one thing, ensuring that they remain protected is something else again.
Forgetting one or two small details is one thing, but neglecting the major responsibilities of your job is something else again.
I thought of how clearly the iPhone suits the moment: Apple once again getting ahead of the game, offering something cuter and funner and more Appley than anyone else.
An irresponsible person shifts the blame to someone or something else, and makes the same mistakes over and over again.
But the tumors would start to grow again, even without EGFR, meaning something else was driving tumor growth.
Once again, this is another secret, something else you need to change about the way you're learning English.
We unloaded cargo, reloaded with something else, then again we put to sea in the routine familiar to us, and as the days became weeks, my little personal experience receded.
Wen Xiang realized he'd said something wrong again. Aside from love, he'd never valued anything else.
Real visions? "the boy asked, but again there was hesitation, as if he were thinking of something else."
Real visions? "the boy asked, but again there was hesitation, as if he were thinking of something else."