She found something special about the bus driver.
Remember that I mentioned in 2005 I was going to tell you something special about the articles there?
Although she described the alien claims as "total rubbish", she said there was nevertheless something special about the.
There's also something special about the complex relationship between Hermione and Ron, two completely different people.
Janssen said there was "something special about the age that Einstein was working where he was, in a way, the right man at the right time at the right place."
What I mean is, I don't think there was something special about the day of May 7th that inspired everyone in the whole world to quit smoking at the same time.
Shirley: that's pretty amazing that he's so famous and just for making the Mississippi river. Isthere something special about the river that makes it important in America?
There is something special, I think, about the feel of flesh on flesh or hands in one's hair.
In addition to our interest in faces, there's something special about primary colors for nearly all of us, because it's an artifact of the way our eyes work.
There is something special about people, who work physically. Such type of work seems to be the most honest and true activity.
Ladies will know that you had to put in the extra thought and time out of your day to do something special for them and it also lets them know that you think about them through out the day.
And there was something special about this man's voice. He sounded sane, funny and very kind. After a few minutes 'deliberation, I pressed the redial button.
There's something special about feeling connected to one small bird flying across the ocean or desert.
I've always felt that there was something uniquely special about touching and feeling the earth, especially as a family.
Still, many people would agree that there is something special about scientists who build rockets. Maybe it has to do with the mystery of space travel.
Thats one of the reasons that theres such great team spirit in a dragon boat team everybody feels like were doing something special. And what about the zongzi?
There is something very special about this particular trip, and you seem to be changed for the better by what happens on this journey.
A morning too gorgeous to stay in doors. The sun was simply glorious. There is something special about not riding with anyone but your relaxed self. Wahaha!
Of course, I would never kill anyone. But, there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye.
We were talking about something important to this trip... the train slowly started off and the special passenger was standing beside the window and was waving at me.
ABSTRACT: As one of the two DOCa wine regions in Spain, Priorat has its special character. This article will tell you something about it.
The capital will have to convince the world that there's something extra special about an "Olympic London."
The capital will have to convince the world that there's something extra special about an "Olympic London."