Do you pay with paper money, credit (信用的) card, or your phone when you go sopping?
"Said Linda Higgins, throwing a sopping brown coffee filter into the garbage can."
Biderman said MIT's oil-sopping robot would be most effective in situations like the recent oil disaster, where oil is spread out.
It's a glutinous side dish that's perfect for practicing your chopstick skills, for sopping up curry sauce and, amazingly, for building really strong pagodas.
The couple's sopping-wet wedding became Internet-famous as a post-up photo of them kissing in ankle-deep flood water in their wedding garb made romantics swoon.
这对夫妇穿着结婚礼服在深及脚踝的雨水中亲吻的照片,足以迷倒很多浪漫主义者。 照片发到网上后,他们那浑身湿透的婚礼立刻成为网上讨论的热点。
Thee couple's sopping-wet wedding became Internet-famous as a post-up photo of them kissing in ankle-deep flood water in their wedding garb made romantics swoon.
这对夫妇穿着结婚礼服在深及脚踝的雨水中亲吻的照片,足以迷倒很多浪漫主义者。 照片发到网上后,他们那浑身湿透的婚礼立刻成为网上讨论的热点。
Thee couple's sopping-wet wedding became Internet-famous as a post-up photo of them kissing in ankle-deep flood water in their wedding garb made romantics swoon.
这对夫妇穿着结婚礼服在深及脚踝的雨水中亲吻的照片,足以迷倒很多浪漫主义者。 照片发到网上后,他们那浑身湿透的婚礼立刻成为网上讨论的热点。