The typical model is to sort the items by date, so you can read the entries in chronological order.
For example, you can sort the list of blogs or the list of blog entries by date, title, most recommended, most commented, or most visited.
You can sort the rows within a table of data according to the data type, allowing you to order by figures - alphabetically and by date.
Will G+ give users more control by letting them sort the feed based on post date vs. comment date?
Tip 4: Group or sort comments by Date Last Modified to call to attention to comment threads that are "active" (comments or replies that have been made recently).
Group or sort comments by Date Last Modified to call to attention to comment threads that are "active" (comments or replies that have been made recently).
This is a fairly typical sort of complex data, in this case ordering something by date, time, and ID number by concatenating the Numbers into a single number that we can then sort numerically.
You can sort the bookmarks by date and by popularity, and see which bookmarks are attracting the most visits.
Again, using the Inbox view example, this view allows you to sort by sender, subject, date, size, and more.
Select Creation Date as the option in all three fields under "sort results first by."
选择CreationDate作为“sort resultsfirst by”下所有三个字段的选项。
The Web site uses a pair of drop-down menus to sort a list of search results by date .
You may sort the list by date, title or location, by clicking on the column heading. Then click on "Next" to view all the pages of open positions, or enter a key word in the search box.
Offers free video talks, lectures, and ideas by famous, influential, and riveting people. You can sort to view videos based on category, popularity, or date filmed.
Offers free video talks, lectures, and ideas by famous, influential, and riveting people. You can sort to view videos based on category, popularity, or date filmed.