He looked like a person listening to a new sound in the distance and wondering what it was.
They were aware of the lips and the mind of the world speaking and giving utterance, they heard the sound in the distance, and they strained to listen.
Every few months, I can hear the sound of an ocean barge passing in the distance.
It relies on a series of cameras and ultra-sound radar sensors that ensure the car stays in lane and is a safe distance from other cars.
Since the speed of light is about a million times as great as that of sound waves, the reflection of light waves may very well be applied in detecting a target and its distance.
Sound and image unwind in a sequential manner, their disjointed associations give insight into the distance of memory.
There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance.
The brain USES subtle differences in loudness, tone and timing between our two ears to localize sound sources in three-dimensional positions (horizontal, vertical, and distance).
It provides the possibility for RF connection of speech sound and data transmission of information equipments in limited distance.
He could hear the sound of wind in the trees and the pounding of the surf somewhere up ahead, and beyond that the staccato chatter of gunfire and dull thudding of explosions in the distance.
Subtilis Cong in the lake in a whisper, from time to time from a distance of 12 ducklings sound, the more the Moon lake is lonely and deserted.
Based on this evaluation, the survey used binocular stereo vision system to compensate the direction error, and located the elevation degree in vertical plane and the distance of sound source.
And the double arrays are suggested to be adopted in order to decrease the moving distance of source and improve the accuracy of sound field reconstruction.
The call went echoing down the empty aisles and died out in the distance in a faint sound that resembled a ripple of mocking laughter.
The sound pressure level at certain distance from the outer shell in flow field is obtained when the vibration velocity of the inner shell is known.
The sound pressure level at certain distance from the outer shell in flow field is obtained when the vibration velocity of the inner shell is known.