He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.
The sounding board was made of Chinese parasol wood firmiana simplex, its rounded shape symbolising the heavens.
Avoid expressing anxiety. Your homesick freshman is not your sounding board.
Or maybe just use your partner as a sounding board to release some stress and get advice on how to best handle a tough situation.
They’ve offered intelligent advice when I’ve needed it, provided a sounding board for my own ideas, constantly encouraged me to push myself and grow, and provided valuable intellectual company.
They can perform essential tasks, lend you money, encourage you, work for you, help you deal with an emergency, serve as a sounding board for your ideas, even fill in for you for a couple of hours.
Blogging can also make you part of a fairly select community of colleagues-people who will trade ideas with you, help you network, and serve as a sounding board.
Sometimes, a friend is not looking for an opinion or advise, but rather a sounding board to give vent to.
We can act as a sounding board, help put together a plan, coach through difficult periods as well as guide clients through meetings withdivorce professionals such as attorneys and financial advisers.
We can act as a sounding board, help put together a plan, coach through difficult periods as well as guide clients through meetings with divorce professionals such as attorneys and financial advisers.
The sounding board consisted of more than 50 representatives of banks, shipowners and lawyers.
Your goal group is there as a sounding board, because most of the time you already know what to do.
Not until the depression would the stage become a sounding board for the American social conscience.
For four years, Ms Rice has been a sounding board, tutor and weathervane.
Collaborating and acting as key HR point of contact, sparring partner and sounding board for the assigned client group leadership teams.
If you are trying to think of new ideas, corral your Pal as a sounding board.
It is clear that Almunia considers himself to be one of the senior players in the side and therefore entitled to express his opinion and act as a sounding board to his younger colleagues.
'I consider him one of my best friends and a sounding board' on both work and personal life, Ms. Serrano says. Mr.
'I consider him one of my best friends and a sounding board' on both work and personal life, Ms. Serrano says. Mr.