I am thirteen years old, and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia.
In 1969, a fossil hunter named Rod Wells came to Naracoorte in South Australia to explore what was then known as Victoria Cave.
Bradley had discovered that his bicycle had been stolen from our backyard in Campbelltown, South Australia when he and his sister went outside for a morning ride.
Rollout to offices in NSW, Vic and South Australia; and.
Much like the Sahara in Africa, desertification also threatens South Australia.
In South Australia 22% of all mammals since pre-European settlement have been lost.
In South Australia, 22% of all mammals since pre-European settlement have been lost.
Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, is one of Australia's best-planned cities.
Australian sea lions play in the sea grass beds off Little Hopkins Island, South Australia.
Hicks will serve the final seven months of his sentence in the south Australia state prison.
"It has got nothing going for it," says Colin Freeman, a consultant for Pristine Oyster Farm in South Australia.
“它没什么特别的地方,”南澳大利亚州“纯净牡蛎养殖场”的顾问柯林·弗里曼(Colin Freeman)说。
Olympic Dam, in South Australia, has the world’s biggest uranium deposit, as well as copper, gold and silver.
Some groups have regained title to large areas in the Northern Territory and in the state of South Australia.
There is no phylloxera (yet) in Chile or South Australia, but quarantine and constant vigilance are the price.
A group of Australian sea lions relax and frolic in a sea grass meadow near Little Hopkins Island South Australia.
A group of Australian sea lions relax and frolic in a sea grass meadow near Little Hopkins Island, South Australia.
Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.
Boolcoomatta Reserve a former sheep station in South Australia demonstrates the sheer resilience of the Australian landscape.
Boolcoomatta Reserve, a former sheep station in South Australia, demonstrates the sheer resilience of the Australian landscape.
More than a year later, the new residents of the Gale's old home in Ungarra, South Australia, found a strange cat hanging around.
就这样走了一年多……某天,南澳安加拉谢瑞旧居的新住户珍·杭碧(Jenn Humby)发现一只奇怪的猫在房前瞎转悠。
A Wedgetail will take control of ScanEagles operated by Boeing Defence Australia personnel at Woomera Test Facility in South Australia.
In states that are booming thanks to a mining bonanza-western Australia, Queensland and South australia-engineers, surveyors and truck.
In peer discussion groups with teenage girls in South Australia, Shute and her colleagues found that Jo's situation is incredibly common.
The range of trees and lakes in Adelaide Hills, part of the Mount Lofty Ranges in South Australia, are a colourful mix during autumn.
South Australia, with the least rainfall and at the end of the line, had been hit hardest, and began trading water allocations in the 1980s.
One hundred and twenty million years ago, when a Cretaceous sea covered what is now South Australia, an ichthyosaur had a really bad day.
An 1838 account of Port Adelaide in South Australia described it as Port Misery, unsurpassed in "everything that is wretched and inconvenient."
The intersecting corners of South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales are intensely green, indicating explosive plant growth during March.
The 4.7-kilometer (2.9-mile) asteroid left a 90-kilometer (55.9-mile) crater in what is now Lake Acraman in the Gawler Ranges of South Australia.
7千米直径(2.9英里)的小行星的撞击在地球上造成了90千米直径(55.9英里)的火山口,位于澳大利亚南部Gawler Ranges 的Acraman湖。
The 4.7-kilometer (2.9-mile) asteroid left a 90-kilometer (55.9-mile) crater in what is now Lake Acraman in the Gawler Ranges of South Australia.
7千米直径(2.9英里)的小行星的撞击在地球上造成了90千米直径(55.9英里)的火山口,位于澳大利亚南部Gawler Ranges 的Acraman湖。