Spatio-temporal database management system is a kind of DBMS that can deal with both spatial and temporal data.
In addition, this technology helps the maintenance and management of the system spatial database, and keeps the system space attribute data current.
And has established a union road ecology landscape attribute data and the spatial data road landscape video frequency database management system in this foundation.
Geography information system is a computer system for the collection, storage, management, processing, index, analysis and representation of geography spatial data.
In the soil resource management information system based on GIS, the most basic operations are the operation of map, the attribute data inquiry and statistics and spatial data inquiry as well.
This issuance system possesses multi-functions of map-layer control and management, data searching and retrieval, and spatial analysis operation of basic information.
Geographical Information System (GIS) with the functions of spatial analysis and management of space data is promising in mineral resourxce prognosis.
The system was provided with function of workspace, data and map management, object operation, spatial query and analysis in the environment of GIS.
Highly application of GIS to urban traffic pollution management has been developed, which consisted of proscenium-GIS system, back stage-motor vehicle emission model and spatial data base.
With the function of spatial data management, the system can realize coupling inquiry, conditional inquiry and special subject inquiry about spatial data and their attributes of objectives.
The research on this product may help for the co-developing of GIS application system and the unique management of spatial data.
Spatial data analysis of power management system usually includes optimal analysis of power failure schemes, lines repairment plans, and buffer analysis, etc.
The geography information system (GIS) which has powerful ability to process spatial data and visualize can play an important role in the management and control of traffic noise.
Spatio-temporal database management system (STDBMS) is a kind of DBMS that can deal with both spatial and temporal data.
In the database design, the farming GIS display of data management, analysis and result is integrated when farming spatial-data, attribute-data and expert system are introduced.
In the current tourism management information system, data attribute is only, and spatial data mining, tourist market forecasting and tourist resource evaluating are insufficient;
This system provide forest resources spatial and attribute data management, straightforward information browsing and retrieval services for forestry sector.
With the spatial data management, the system can serve for conditional retrieval and special subject retrieval about spatial data and their attributes objectives.
Spatial Database Engine; Spatial Database Management System; Seamless Integration of Multisource Spatial Data; Adjusting and Optimizing; Massive Spatial Data.
Spatial Database Engine; Spatial Database Management System; Seamless Integration of Multisource Spatial Data; Adjusting and Optimizing; Massive Spatial Data.