Regular airlines may offer special rates if you book your flights in advance and fly on certain days of the week when they don't expect to have full planes.
The prices in brackets are special rates for the under 18s.
Overtime and work on Sundays, holidays and at night will be charged at special rates.
The members of the club have the privilege of buying the football ticket at special rates.
The above room rates are inclusive of 15% surcharge and are special rates extended to your good company.
You might want to join a gym now, before the New Year, because some gyms offer special rates at the end of December.
Shanghai Bridge Hotel Management Co. , Ltd. Is pleased to offer the very special rates and conditions stipulated below.
Twelve shillings for the furniture and oilcloth one pound four and one penny for the general district and special rates and one pound one and fivepence halfpenny for poor rate .
If you are a professional (intermediary) and require offshore incorporation services for your clients on a regular basis, please contact us for our special rates for professional intermediaries.
We offer special reduced rates for students.
This seems upside-down to me: it's the loyal readers who are most likely to pay premium rates for digital subscriptions, while everybody else is going to need a special offer to chivvy them along.
To reach the target of 85% treatment success globally, a special effort must be made to improve cure rates in the African and European regions.
New Zealand, with the highest interest rates in the industrialised world, is a special case, but it is not alone in feeling the mixed blessings of a currency on steroids.
To reach the target of 85% treatment success, a special effort must be made to improve cure rates in Africa and Eastern Europe.
They lived in a rented three-bedroom villa, and Carole and the two children frequently flew home, using the special staff-discounted rates. Mike Middleton was even alone in Jordan one Christmas.
Yet as late as 1571 an English law banned interest-taking afresh, with special penalties for rates above 10%.
Central Banks have slashed interest rates (see chart 1); the rich world's largest ones have supplemented ultra-cheap money with a special drug, quantitative easing (QE).
Sarah:We offer very competitive rates and our instructors are all fully qualified. We even have a special deal going on at the moment.
Naval Cannons have special reload rates each.
Rates quoted here are based on UPS published rates and do not include incentives or special programs.
But this special report will caution against relying on linear extrapolation from recent growth rates.
Rates are net to advertisers and for advertising space only. Any other size or special formats ie. Belly band, gatefold and poster etc. are available on request.
With the increased prevalence rates of Autism in the society, much attention has been paid to Autism education from the special education in China.
With the increased prevalence rates of Autism in the society, much attention has been paid to Autism education from the special education in China.