The pools, which sit atop the reactor buildings and are meant to keep spent fuel submerged in water, have lost their cooling systems.
When auxiliary batteries were exhausted, the plant was without power to continue cooling reactor cores and spent fuel pools.
Reactor operators calculate how long it would take, once cooling is lost, for the spent fuel to boil the water it sits in.
When nuclear plants were designed, says Wald, regulators anticipated that spent fuel rods would sit in cooling water pools for five years and then be chemically processed and turned into plutonium.
This, we now know, is what "well prepared" looks like: total loss of power at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor, which deprived the reactor core and spent-fuel pools of cooling water.
The spend fuel pit Cooling System is designed to remove the decay heat generated by stored spend fuel assemblies and to purify the water in the spent fuel pit.
Evaporation in the cooling pools used for spent fuel rods led to the detonation of stored weapons-grade plutonium and uranium.
The equipment cooling water used in primary circuit loop and spent fuel system is provided by seawater cooler in nuclear power station.
The result shows that if the cooling system of the spent fuel storage pool can be retrieved in 19 hours, the natural circulation cooling ability is sufficient to prevent radioactivity release.
计算结果表明。恰希玛核电厂乏燃料池冷却系统失效后,只要在19 个小时内修复冷却系统, 不会出现大量放射性物质外泄。
The result shows that if the cooling system of the spent fuel storage pool can be retrieved in 19 hours, the natural circulation cooling ability is sufficient to prevent radioactivity release.
计算结果表明。恰希玛核电厂乏燃料池冷却系统失效后,只要在19 个小时内修复冷却系统, 不会出现大量放射性物质外泄。