Given the crucial need to cool temperatures in the spent fuel pool and other parts of the reactors, "I think it is a battle against time", Mr Amano said.
We also need to cool the reactor and the spent fuel in the spent fuel pool but that basically means you wanna maintain the coolant inventory which means water in the primary system.
The conflicting information about the water levels in the pool storing the spent fuel rods in Reactor 4 is emblematic of the confusion the nuclear crisis has engendered.
This is the pool where spent fuel rods are kept cool, just like the one that malfunctioned in the Japanese plant.
The result shows that if the cooling system of the spent fuel storage pool can be retrieved in 19 hours, the natural circulation cooling ability is sufficient to prevent radioactivity release.
计算结果表明。恰希玛核电厂乏燃料池冷却系统失效后,只要在19 个小时内修复冷却系统, 不会出现大量放射性物质外泄。
The result shows that if the cooling system of the spent fuel storage pool can be retrieved in 19 hours, the natural circulation cooling ability is sufficient to prevent radioactivity release.
计算结果表明。恰希玛核电厂乏燃料池冷却系统失效后,只要在19 个小时内修复冷却系统, 不会出现大量放射性物质外泄。