In this article, I'll use MIDI commands only as an example of data packets that can be distributed between applications; it's not intended to be a proposal to standardize another form of MIDI.
In 1986, the State Language Commission issued a list of 2,235 simplified Chinese characters as a way to standardize the written form of the language.
实际上,简化汉字是基于减少书写笔画这一目的而创造的。 为规范汉字书写形式,国家语言委员会曾于1986年发行过一部收录有2235个简化汉字的字典。
In 1986, the State Language Commission issued a list of 2,235 simplified Chinese characters as a way to standardize the written form of the language.
实际上,简化汉字是基于减少书写笔画这一目的而创造的。 为规范汉字书写形式,国家语言委员会曾于1986年发行过一部收录有2235个简化汉字的字典。