When using the standby power supply when lit.
With standby power and the input interface switch.
Improved Design for a More Lightweight Construction and Reduced Standby Power Consumption.
When you turn the TV or PC off, the standby power for the peripherals gets cut automatically.
The automatic switch device of standby power supply is an effective method to solve this problem.
A new standby power source automatic switch system lives up to design requirements and is a reference for.
The technical features of remote BZT equipment (automatic switchover of standby power source) are introduced.
With the popularity of electrical appliance with standby function, the standby power consumption becomes a big waste.
In this paper, we designed and developed a digital automatic switch device of standby power supply based on DSP and ARM.
Put things that don't need to have standby power (computer speakers, etc.) on a power strip and click it off when not using.
The composing of standby power of switch mode power supply(SMPS) and normal methods for reducing it are analyzed and presented.
The experiment and measurement results show that the topology has the advantages of low standby power loss, high efficiency and fas...
Standby power supply to ensure that the power supply when the door is not working properly, you should configure the standby power supply.
Left in natural light for long periods, the solar panel generates enough standby power to enable the phone to be used without any further charging.
Use the infrared remote control to adjust transmitter gain, activate the remote shunt calibration or switch the transmitter to standby power mode.
On the basis of Xiangfan power grid, the formation background and working principle of district grid standby power auto-switching in were introduced.
The composing of standby power loss of switch mode power supply (SMPS) is analyzed, and several ways to improve standby efficiency of SMPS are introduced.
Most switches have a standby power circuit, switching power supply in standby mode still oscillating, but the frequency of normal working hours than lower.
Power Bank plays as both power supply and charger in one set, which can charge or support standby power at any time for the phone and other digital devices.
System status and memory function, when the city electricity and standby power-down and then re-depletion calls, the system remained down in front of the state.
When detecting standby signal, microcomputer gives structure to relay switch to cut off the current, then standby power is eliminated so as to realize energy saving.
The battery is standby power supply when the power source system cut, and it widely applies to the profession of industrial production, traffic, communication and so on.
With its AC capabilities, the PLB171P is ideal for reducing standby power consumption by cutting the power to devices that are not in use, thus reducing 'Vampire Power'.
According to the statistics data from site, the existing problems of present standby power auto-closing equipment were analyzed and the direction to solve them was expounded.
All of those Numbers are within an hour or so of the iPhone 4, except for one. The older phone's specifications promise 300 hours of standby power: a full 50% more than the 4s.
以上这些数据与iphone4差距大约都在一个小时以内,除了一项:iphone 4承诺可以待机300个小时,足足比iphone 4s多了50%的时间。
In deep sub - micron technology, the mount of the static power catches up with the dynamic power gradually and the standby power is becoming an important factor in low power design.
The methods for reducing standby power that will be explored in this article are: frequency foldback, skip cycle, the effect of different types of start-up circuits, and switching losses.
Now every city family home appliance to use an average standby energy consumption of 15 watts, electric shutdown ever-burning lamps didn't pull the plug, standby power of waste every year.
The microcontroller of AT89C55WD is the center of system. The paper adopts multiplexing technique and the commercial power plays the role of major supply, with the standby power only as a assistant.
本文以at89c55 WD单片机为控制核心,采用线路复用技术,本着基站以市电供电为主,后备电源供电为辅的运行原则进行远程供电。
The microcontroller of AT89C55WD is the center of system. The paper adopts multiplexing technique and the commercial power plays the role of major supply, with the standby power only as a assistant.
本文以at89c55 WD单片机为控制核心,采用线路复用技术,本着基站以市电供电为主,后备电源供电为辅的运行原则进行远程供电。