Who does not welcome a chance to start over, if only on a new page of the calendar?
As the Japanese people rebuild, George said, their efforts to start over will rekindle painful memories -and perhaps some bitterness as well.
As the Japanese people rebuild, George said, their efforts to start over will rekindle painful memories - and perhaps some bitterness as well.
You can modify your query or start over as needed.
After you wait for some amount of time, you start over again by repeatedly reading each file descriptor.
He was not a drinker, nor had he ever touched marinated pig liver or tongue, but he imagined that a friendship between two men should start over harsh liquor and variety meats.
If they change, you need to start over by going back to step 3, and continuing again and again until they don't change clusters.
If you start over caring for items, and trying to over maintain them, it can can end up causing more trouble than its worth.
Another possibility is to simply start over with a new career, starting off with taking classes.
So, in this picture, we probably start over here at the back, and we'd end over here at the front.
If it does that then you gave it the BPEL file in the samples instead of ours and you need to start over.
When this situation arises for me these days, I do one thing to make the most of the run…start over.
We may not be the model parent, sibling, spouse, or friend but it’s not too late to start over.
You win silverware with a group of players and then - because they've aged or because your owner decides to cash in - you have to start over.
The only cure I know is to disable power management, or simply hit the power switch and start over.
If you make a mistake at any point, you can delete the activities and start over.
If the Senate doesn't act this year - after six months, 18 hearings, and nearly a thousand questions answered - it would have to start over from scratch in January.
The belief that we can always start over – that things can always be made better – has been a defining characteristic of the United States and, at times, our greatest strength.
Because the value of the counter exists only in the memory of the running program, the values will start over if the program is restarted.
I'm pleased with your life, so I'm going to flood the world and start over with your family.
That is why the scientists armed with federal research dollars and working in collaboration with the industry are trying to figure out the best way to start over.
If you're satisfied, you can commit the changes - OR - undo the operations and start over.
If an airline captain loses his job at one airline and goes to another he or she will start over as a co-pilot at entry-level pay and will be given no credit for their experience.
If an airline captain loses his job at one airline and goes to another, he or she will start over as a co-pilot at entry-level pay and will be given no credit for their experience.
You may be thinking, start over? Really? That's the best you can do? Well, yes and it has been a tremendous benefit to my runs.
If you start sketching one of your ideas and realize that you hate it, resist the urge to erase it and start over.
If you cannot store the subprogram name then start over by checking if DIE is available.
With even a hint of one false answer, dramatically modify your idea or better yet, abandon it and start over.
With even a hint of one false answer, dramatically modify your idea or better yet, abandon it and start over.