A static factory method on a generic or a non-generic class?
The first class USES a constructor to initialize the properties, and the second class USES a static factory method.
In this way, the object returned from the static factory method could implement any number of interfaces defined when I create the proxy.
You can retrieve an MXBean instance from a static factory method that gives you direct access to the locally running JVM's MXBean interface.
Presumably that means IndexReader.open , a static factory method, instantiates an appropriate concrete subclass of IndexReader and returns it.
大概这意味着IndexReader . open,一个静态工厂方法,实例了一个适当的具体的indexreader子类并返回它。
In Listing 2, the code first includes the necessary class file for the MDB2_Schema package, and then initializes the MDB2 abstraction layer by calling its static factory method.
The heuristic for identifying static factory methods is somewhat basic and could be confused by a method that looks like a factory method but actually performs a different operation.
Because we'd like our Lists to be generic in the type of element they contain, we'd like our static factory method to take an argument of type variable t and return an instance of List.
It has an awkward static method factory-based API instead of an object-oriented one, and you are forced to catch checked exceptions that may never need to be caught.
MessageDiges t类有一个笨拙的基于工厂的静态方法api,它不是面向对象的,并且你被迫去捕获那些永远都不必捕获的CheckedExceptions。
It has an awkward static method factory-based API instead of an object-oriented one, and you are forced to catch checked exceptions that may never need to be caught.
MessageDiges t类有一个笨拙的基于工厂的静态方法api,它不是面向对象的,并且你被迫去捕获那些永远都不必捕获的CheckedExceptions。