Tedious talk this, but being a stay-at-home she liked it.
Consequently, students living abroad usually have a better and more thorough understanding of the outside world than those who stay at home.
How boring it must be to stay at home to work on a holiday! Soon she said to herself, "What harm can there be in moving the mark Grandmother put?"
But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.
In the evening, they would prefer to stay at home and have a rest.
You'd better stay at home in the warm for a day or two and drink plenty of water.
They have decided to set up a group to help the stay-at-home children.
—Shall we grow for a walk? —Don't be silly. It's too dark. We'd better stay at home.
——我们要不要出去走走? ——别傻了。天太黑了。我们最好待在家里。
Sometimes villages remain because people from the cities have bought a "second home" in the village, where they come and stay at weekends.
If things get too hard at home, see if you can stay with a friend or relative until things calm down.
But a lot of people take Friday as a holiday, so they can stay at home and rest after Thanksgiving.
After a frustrating day at work, stay off of your home computer - your personal programming can wait another day.
Her own survey found that many fathers who had primary child-care responsibility at home while working part time or pursuing a degree viewed themselves as stay-at-home fathers.
If you've been a stay-at-home parent and have a desire to get into the workforce, go for it.
So whether you're a stay at home parent, an administrative assistant or the CEO of a major corporation you should take pride in the work that you do.
If you're like most stay at home parents your wardrobe may be a tad dated or just a bit too casual.
If two employees get married, they will leave at the same time for a honeymoon, or later one of them will stay at home taking care of babies.
If it has to stay at home, better to put money into a new business than a bank account that returns less than inflation.
In the Guardian office (I'm told - I'm a stay-at-home journalist), there are howls of protest about the use of "mum".
Unable to find a girlfriend to parade in front of his matchmaking-obsessed relatives, Xi, 35, elected to stay at home after a brief celebration with his parents for this week-long holiday.
Mrs. Paul was a stay-at-home mom, longtime Girl Scout troop leader and self-described “busybody” who prided herself on knowing exactly what everyone was doing.
The couple celebrating their anniversary are a very loving couple, he being a surgeon and she being a stay at home mother.
Another parent commented: "We happy stay-at-home mums never get a word in; no one pays us any attention."
Or should I marry and be a stay-at-home housewife, support my husband and educate my child?
One is a stay-at-home housewife who loves to create culinary masterpieces from scratch.
And fathers as a whole - stay-at-home dads or otherwise - spend almost as much time with their children as mothers do.
Most women who stay at home for a period of time are not just doing laundry and homework oversight.
A home office is a great option for moms and dads who want to combine stay-at-home parenting and a career.
Restaurants, bars and cinemas may suffer as people opt to stay at home with a DVD and a six-pack.
Jerome Singh at the University of KwaZulu-Natal says many patients with TB that is resistant to a few drugs opt to stay at home instead of getting treated at hospitals.