Arsenal are inevitably going to keep the ball for long periods so it is vital opponents retain shape, stay on their feet and keep concentration levels high when they are closing them down.
But Sandel's strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet.
Observers were told to stay several feet away from the tabulators, on one side of the room marked off by green tape.
Under Ricardo Carvalho’s entry, it was noted that “he seems to be more inclined to stay on his feet these days – his occasional rash tackles were the one downside to his game.”
One of the unusual problems they must continuously face is trying to stay on their feet while creating world class cuisine since the movement of the train can be problematic for the staff.
One of the key elements to improving your backstroke start is to stay relaxed from the moment you set your feet and hands on the block until the moment you hear the buzzer go off.
So I tried to walk after them. But my feet would not touch the ground, and I was forced to stay on that pole.
Thursday, Charles had to stay in the corner during story time because he kept beating his feet on the floor.
Thursday, Charles had to stay in the corner during story time because he kept beating his feet on the floor.