There will be pockets of this new energy still somewhat thick so this may be a little tricky at times.
It's still somewhat unclear to researchers why people who practice positive thinking experience these health benefits.
The Mac and Linux versions are currently still somewhat unstable, but at least the Mac version has now become quite usable.
His native language was brythonic which was still somewhat similar to archaic Irish so Patrick soon spoke Irish as well.
But is still somewhat due to face, I really hope that the brothers and sisters in the church to invite, then resume worship.
The obvious reason is that the market, in general, is still somewhat soft; but how price elastic are all of our market segments?
In other words, the methods and features covered here are current as I write them, but the JAXP specification is still somewhat in flux.
The chapter on objects is a longer, more detailed exposition of oo in Perl, though it is still somewhat neglected in the book as a whole.
The input data structure is still somewhat complicated for somebody who is not familiar with CAD, which will be refined in the near future.
The methods package is still somewhat tentative from what I can tell, but some moderately tweaked version of it seems certain to continue in later R versions.
But the situation turned better later and the following exercise was not that difficult, but still somewhat obscure. Altogether, I had a complex feeling all the way.
Student: You mentioned earlier about the hypothesis on the early adopters on the cheap phones We're assuming there's still somewhat of an early adopter thing, right?
Embrapa also created varieties of soya that are more tolerant than usual of acid soils (even after the vast application of lime, the cerrado is still somewhat acidic).
Estimation is still somewhat of a black art in software precisely because it's difficult to understand, and therefore analyze, this complex spider web of coupling and interaction.
But up to now, the real cooling water quality is still somewhat lower than the standard. By analysis, the shortcomings are found, from which the correcting measures are proposed.
To my mind, XPath syntax is still somewhat overly XML-oriented, but enough users requested this that I decided to add a utility function, gnosis.xml.objectify.utils.XPath , to gnosis Utilities.
据我看来,xpath语法在某种程度仍然过于面向xml,但是有很多用户要求这种功能,因此我在gnosis Utilities中添加了一个工具函数gnosis . xml . objectify . utils . XPath 。
The main concerns with Dojo are that - at the time of writing - it is still in its infancy (version 1.0 was only released in February 2008) and the documentation available is still somewhat limited.
On balance, CPU core performance is currently still somewhat more important, but GPU performance is steadily gaining performance as more applications are able to offload specific workloads to the GPU.
We don't know a lot about the authors, and it's still contested somewhat about who they are.
Often they chose—and still are choosing—somewhat colder climates such as Oregon, Idaho and Alaska in order to escape smog, crime and other plagues of urbanization in the Golden State.
In fact, we have been hearing it for several years now, so it is somewhat surprising that it still comes up so often and that there are still so many misconceptions about it.
But for reasons of compatibility, running as a standard user can still be a somewhat painful proposition.
He has upgraded his lifestyle somewhat, but still doesn't own a car.
You will still need to focus on them somewhat, but to a lesser extent.
Though somewhat dated, its still one of the best introductions to UNIX and Linux for users as well as developers.
At 5, Jack is somewhat delayed developmentally, still living wholly in the unity he feels with his mother.
This example still uses the "injection" which is somewhat superfluous to the general case; i.e. we put the enhanced class back into a specific name in the module namespace.
Though this view of the project is now somewhat outdated, it still provides a good introduction to project goals and the MVC pattern in general.
Though this view of the project is now somewhat outdated, it still provides a good introduction to project goals and the MVC pattern in general.