Modern classwork is still thinking that it is the volume of information you put in your head that will give you an advantage.
These controls allow you to make easy adjustments to flash and overall exposure while still letting the TTL system do most of the thinking for you. Very handy indeed.
Days of memories stranded with thinking, it still go, over you, over me. Still like water.
Want to have some of your information, is a short greeting, so I feel you have not forgotten me, my heart is still thinking of me, and my existence.
If you can't do this and you are still thinking about alternatives, then your decision will be not be good because you're not able to let go of those other options.
We are still thinking about how to do this. We think there should be some kind of magic that will make you totally invisible, but in this state you cannot move or do anything.
DW: It's interesting that a way of thinking about production problems that you found useful 15 years ago you still find useful today. Does that surprise you?
This is because your view has not gone beyond ordinary level, you are still thinking of personal right and wrongs.
I can seize you or I can not seize you, and I still thinking of us in former times.
'If you really loved me, you'd let me love you in my own way. But you persist in thinking of me as though I'm some girl who can't live without all this luxury, someone you still think you have to pay.
Hey I don't know what you are thinking about. But snap out of it. You still have a lot of work to do.
If you are still thinking trading as getting easy and quick money, then I am afraid trading might not be your cup of tea.
Thinking of you still makes my heart beat fastest!
If you can't help thinking of him and you still care about him, why not give both of you a chance?
If you can't help thinking of him and you still care about him, why not give both of you a chance?