I'm a stock broker, Tosha, and you.
The stock broker firm also has the following Sybase procedure defined.
He is going to be a stock broker and he stakes his entire future on that goal.
A stock broker firm, XYZ, has the following Oracle stored procedures in package stockoptions.
For the test scenario, "stock broker" was an IBM T42 laptop, with 2gb RAM, using Windows XP SP 2.
对于测试场景,“股票经纪公司”是一台IBMT42笔记本,ram为2gb,使用WindowsXPSP 2操作系统。
If you know nothing about stocks or you don't have a good stock broker, you could easily lose your money.
If you know nothing about stocks or you don't have a good stock broker, you could easily lose your money.
There is a fictional stock exchange and a stock broker with multiple stock traders who each make a number of trades.
They talk to a stock broker who can help them to buy a good stock. He tells Mr. And Mrs. Brown about the Ward Pencil company.
One thought that long periods spent in space might make it necessary for an astronaut to have a private line of communication to his stock broker.
For this purpose, we should improve the qualities of stock broker companies, strengthen the management of stock markets, increase investment and reinforce the legal system.
The article is divided into six chapters as the following:Chapter 1 points out that the object of the article is stock broker system in China and the goal is to offer suggestions.
The buyer, a Suzhou-based stock broker who gave his name as Mr Song, says: "I was lucky that I was dealing with an inexperienced sales representative who admitted that it was fake."
Stock salesmen also named stock broker are the implementers of sales activities. They specialize in attracting clients, marketing financial products, providing service for clients and so on.
As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily bases, and I enjoy working with people.
Because stocks must be bought and sold on a stock exchange, an individual investor needs a broker to make transactions for him.
Distributors may pause and resume their subscriptions; any stock notifications sent are stored at the distributor broker until the distributor resumes the subscription.
To pay for the put, the executive simultaneously has his broker sell a call option on his stock.
At the stock market your broker will inquire of other broker if they know of anyone who would like to sell the stock that you want to purchase.
We utilise broker research for the base data provided to aid us in coming up with our own forecasts and recommendation on the stock and to gauge the feeling of the broader market towards the stock.
Hurstwood was already confronted, and recognised his friend Kenny, the stock-broker.
His broker must find another broker who has a customer who wants to buy that stock at or near the offering price.
Whether or not you decide to use a full-service broker depends on your level of self-confidence, your knowledge of the stock market and the number of trades you regularly make.
Stock raising... a broker in Karachi, among a minority of Pakistani's to profit from English skills.
You can call your broker and say, I'd like to short stock number one and what the broker will do is borrow the shares on your behalf and sell them and then you own negative shares.
Usually there will be some persons who want to sell the stock you want to purchase. in that event, your broker will arrange to buy the stock for you.
That's misleading because it really doesn't matter when you buy the stock, so you're not supposed to, as a broker, sell dividends.
There was also talk of a big buyer in the market for Vodafone shares, while broker Citigroup told clients to buy the stock, adding: Much of the bad news is in the market.
There was also talk of a big buyer in the market for Vodafone shares, while broker Citigroup told clients to buy the stock, adding: Much of the bad news is in the market.