The demand for housing already far outstripped the growth of national housing stock even before the housing market crash in 2007.
And that's true for other variables as well; by some estimates it could be 5 to 8 years before Banks sell off their entire stock of foreclosed upon housing inventory.
You go to places like Nevada or Arizona or Florida, California, their inventory of unsold homes was so high that it is just going to take a whole bunch of years to absorb all that housing stock.
Nearly 12% of low-cost market-rate rentals that existed in 1999 were demolished or lost from the housing stock by 2009.
Once upon a time housing and consumer spending were tied to the performance of the stock market.
However, the collapse of housing market affected finance and stock markets because of derivatives.
In this paper we studied the wealth effects of the households' stock assets and housing assets in china through ECM model.
They are used to predict changes in overall output and activity in an economy, including stock price, new order of investment, order of housing and buildings and consumption confidence indicator.
Stock public houses by the sale tax collection, according to the relevant provisions of the sale of public housing.
The us Treasury denied the market's judgement that the appeal of nationalization of the two big housing companies lead to the collapse of the two companies' stock prices.
Montreal is "a key centre for emerging musical ACTS", he points out. It is a great place to live, with a healthy stock of affordable housing.
This paper discusses the current situation of our country 's housing mortgage and points out the necessity and necessary conditions of making housing mortgage in stock form.
In China, housing price and land price has a high correlation with PE ratio of stock market since 2003.
Well, he would expect a general drop across the board as people experienced the shock of the housing (and stock market) crash, and consequently postponed as many purchases as they could.
They came of age during the dotcom meltdown and then the housing meltdown. So they have reasons to distrust things like the stock market. Buying a house is just a ludicrous proposition right now.
Weakness in the housing market may be the trigger for positive inflation surprises as the high stock of unsold homes may push down rental prices.
Urban per capita housing area of urban housing and the proportion of disadvantaged groups is manifestly disproportionate, one of the reasons is that part of the stock of idle resources seriously.
In our real estate market, there are two strange phenomena: on one side, there are large amount of stock housing; on the other side, many residents have no desire and ability to buy housing.
Must be integrated with the characteristics of Shanghai, one should make full use of Shanghai's housing stock.
Maine had the highest proportion of empty housing stock, at 22.8%. Other states with gluts of empty houses included Vermont (20.5%), Florida (17.5%), Arizona (16.3%) and Alaska (15.9%).
The tough assessment of Mr. Obama's performance comes as he deals with military action abroad, high unemployment at home, weak stock and housing markets and the oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.
Over the past few decades, about 60 percent of housing spending has been devoted to building new homes as opposed to maintaining and improving the existing housing stock.
Over the past few decades, about 60 percent of housing spending has been devoted to building new homes as opposed to maintaining and improving the existing housing stock.