National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth, premiering in Spring 2005 on PBS, explores these questions.
"Tis strange how my memory doth wanton with me these days," said Tom.
Those strange events indicate that something secret and horrible has happened in this house in days gone by.
Mr. Long agreed that it seemed strange for David to be absent so often on gym days.
But on days that I draw a cartoon that I like, a weird calmness comes over me, a strange feeling of contentedness and happiness. What the hell's that all about?
What a strange feeling it is—surely we all know it—to look through old letters of our young days; a different life rises up out of the past, as it were, with all its hopes and sorrows.
我们都知道,假如我们把我们年轻时代的旧信拿出来读读,我们会产生一种多么奇怪的感觉啊! 整个的一生和这生命中的希望和哀愁都会浮现出来。
It seems strange these days for anyone to take their kids along on business trips.
Compared to where I was a few years ago, my relationship life might seem a bit strange these days.
The days will soon be over when a strange little fish waits a quarter of a century for a new name.
Nothing strange happened for the first couple of days except that my father started to become ill.
They were going to be trusting their lives to this strange plane for the next nine days.
There are hundreds and even thousands of photographs made until our days portraying strange shapes floating in the sky above houses, landscapes and in airplanes' persecutions.
Many of the older Mosuo women prefer the old days, before the outsiders came with their strange clothing and stranger ideas.
In the days after the shooting, a strange tension settled over Marula-Puku.
Some days later a strange black thing was seen on the beach where I had first arrived in Lilliput .
Though Tom would be away for at least three days, Bill had a strange feeling of his nearness.
His mind has grappled with space and time, and explored the strange beauty of black holes aglow, but in recent days a more earthly problem has occupied the world's most famous scientist.
It makes me feel very strange, and I asked myself these two days is not nothing unusual, nor temper, the only difference is that the day before, I do not hit him a few phone calls to Bale.
Shantou days really strange for a windy and rain for a sunny, people are confused together.
Not many days after, we heard the church bell and saw a long, strange black carriage, pulled by black horses.
Lily: Eh, not bad, Yoga can make your body stronger. I read a strange piece of news about the Yoga several days ago.
A few days later, they got to a strange country. The king had a daughter, but she never smiled or laughed.
I've smelt a strange odor for three days. Don't you smell anything?
I've smelt a strange odor for three days. Don't you smell anything?