Much of British strategic thinking on counter-insurgency tactics in a jungle environment was passed on through BRIAM (British Advisory Mission).
But this kind of strategic thinking you just described is very important. I mean, we should analyze the world in a more complicated and sophisticated way.
He emphasises the need for organisation and strategic thinking, offering practical advice about how to convert ideas into actions.
This shift in thinking could push action on climate change to the forefront of us strategic thinking in the near future, thereby providing us negotiators with more clout in Cancun.
HR personnel were so involved in the detail of pay, pensions and disputes that they had no time for the higher strategic thinking required for the knowledge economy.
Rational reformulation is basically to create new analytical categories, or more simply, to unearth the hidden assumptions implicit in all strategic thinking and research.
As you can tell from this very brief example, approaching security from the application architecture level requires strategic thinking.
The documents also cast light on the FARC's strategic thinking.
A source familiar with Tim and AOL's strategic thinking suggests that an outcome of these negotiations could be AOL's sale to Microsoft.
A British study of 700 children found that simulation games developed children's strategic thinking and planning skills.
Large projects that entail or connect with lots of other systems on a variety of platforms, especially, require some real strategic thinking to put together a build process that makes sense.
These 5 tips will help you get your mind functioning at peak performance so you can excel at highly creative activities like writing, brainstorming, and strategic thinking.
Notice how item 11 begins to lead the team into strategic thinking.
As Camerer argues, the following three deficiencies originating the way that strategic thinking and research is typically done also cause the slow accumulation of scientific knowledge in the field.
The presupposition of strategy-following behavior is fundamental to all strategic thinking and research.
Games promote well-being, health, creativity, logical sense, strategic thinking, spontaneity, curiosity and relaxation.
In this university I will study strategic thinking and client interaction.
Strategic learning mechanism can be interpreted as the organizational learning mechanisms originated from Strategic thinking.
Little thought is given to strategic thinking or systems thinking.
Igor Ansoff (1918-2002) was the father of modern strategic thinking.
伊戈尔。安索夫(1918- 2002)是现代战略思维之父。
Olando's breakthrough brand creative, marketing and design program only be placed on file after comprehensive research, analysis and strategic thinking of each of our clients.
Police strategy is strategic thinking activity done by police to execute legal responsibilities against all kinds of persons or matters confronting laws and police executing responsibilities.
The cross-functional flow diagram at the end of this article suggests one way that strategic thinking can be applied when managing projects today.
Strategic thinking competence is the guarantee of officials performing their leading duty.
In every quarter we have an action. This quarter for financial aspects, next quarter for strategic thinking.
For this, the dissertation analyzes the differences between strategic thinking for trying to be the first and the idea of communist society's strategic choice advanced by Marx.
The new strategic thinking which NATO leaders produced at the recent London Summit.
The new strategic thinking which NATO leaders produced at the recent London Summit.