Those clothes do nothing for your street cred.
Win RACES to gain street cred and fill your garage with killer cars, like the Porsche 911.
And the word’s very inclusion in the dictionary signifies that its street cred has evaporated.
Things change, and it now seems that lesser figures and fuel-friendly names may help your street cred.
Ken Miller, managing editor of the Los Angeles Sentinel says, "in the African-American community, we always like to talk about 'street cred'."
I hope my degrees will give me street cred in the medical community, since this is what I'm meant to be doing. Talking about tampons doesn't have to lead to tears.
With advertising, publishing, research, consulting, and blogging street cred in the Enterprise space, she brings two decades of experience to bear on our own business model reinvention.
Ms Bartz, at 60, is strikingly old to be running a “Web 2.0” company that, along with Google and Facebook and the rest, needs street cred among college-age kids like Ms Bartz’s own daughter, Layne.
Although "four" of the "golden signboard" make many enterprises street-cred, but don't know this "gold-lettered signboard" in the auditing environment how long can you hold?
Although "four" of the "golden signboard" make many enterprises street-cred, but don't know this "gold-lettered signboard" in the auditing environment how long can you hold?