The formation time of NE strike slip faults is earlier than that of NW strike slip faults.
The extensional structures developed in the central Bohai Bay basin are induced by strike slip.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane it is a strike slip fault.
The faults are mainly of reverse and strike slip faults, with a few synsedimentary normal, decollement and reversed faults.
In the after strike slip compressional stage, this lake was filled up with the clastic sediments of deltic and fluvial facies.
These factors include district cap rock, strike slip properties, the intensities of fault activity and the distance from oil source.
The distribution of slip displacement, slip velocity and friction force on the strike slip fault were obtained by numerical simulation.
The lower-order faults were formed under the action of strike slip stress, extension stress, camber stress and traction of master faults.
The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone.
According to the analysis of Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution, Bohai Bay basin is a strike slip pull apart basin formed in the Cenozoic Eocene epoch.
The vertical movement strength and deformation status evolve with time. The horizontal movement and deformation show obvious compressional strike slip character.
The tectonic boundary between the Yangtze Continent and Qinling orogenic belt is a thrust-strike slip tectonic zone rather than a intracontinental subduction zone.
A complete suit of closely analytical expressions of stress field is presented for the strike slip shear fault with an arbitrary dip Angle in a semi infinite medium.
In this paper, a method, the uniform slip method, estimating average slip rate along surface trace of strike slip fault zone by historical earthquake data is offered.
The oblique strike slip structure is resulted from the closing of little Jingshajiang regeneration ocean basin and the oblique intercontinental collision in late Triassic.
Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area, this paper suggests that Fangzheng rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slip pull apart.
Strike-slip faults occurring in the converging crust, or transpression, rocks are faulted upward in a positive flower structure.
The earthquake occurred along the North Anatolian strike-slip fault that extends roughly east-west beneath the Gulf of Izmit.
For vertical strike-slip faults, the rupture directivity effect causes as strong spatial variation in ground motions for a given closest distance to the fault.
"Besides it being the biggest strike-slip earthquake ever recorded, the aftershock is the second biggest as far as we can tell," said Sieh.
In areas where strike-slip faults occur in converging crust, or transpression, rocks are faulted upward in a positive flower structure.
Bengge syenites has been always regarded as the product of alkaline magma activity controlled by the strike-slip structures caused by collision between Yindia and Euroasia.
Detailed analyses of satellite images and field investigation have revealed that the active Kaidu River fault zone on the southern margin of the basin is a strike-slip fault zone.
In each model, fault was classified into three types: all-fault, dip-slip fault and strike-slip fault.
This paper discusses some features of fractals and deformational decomposition of oblique strike-slip faults in the Jinshajiang plate junction, northwest Yunnan.
In the overlap part of the right side of two main faults, the left-lateral strike-slip movement of them in Quaternary has formed the embryonic rhombochasm.
In the overlap part of the right side of two main faults, the left-lateral strike-slip movement of them in Quaternary has formed the embryonic rhombochasm.