The evidence contradicts the claim that we're mainly suffering from structural unemployment.
In other words, structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real solutions.
The second manager represents the case for structural unemployment.
Structural unemployment is surely inching closer to European levels.
And no one was talking about structural unemployment three years ago.
The third part is the causes analyse of college students structural unemployment.
There are some logical implications of the structural unemployment story that are easy to test.
The recent performance modality is the structural unemployment under full employment condition.
There are three types of graduate unemployment: structural unemployment, frictional unemployment and voluntary unemployment.
With the changes in the pattern of economic growth an adjustment of industrial structure, structural unemployment becomes serious.
Second, we analyze the impact of the segmentation of the primary and the secondary labor market in city on structural unemployment.
So all the evidence contradicts the claim that we're mainly suffering from structural unemployment. Why, then, has this claim become so popular?
The protective policy of labor market and the wage rigidity are the key factors of the concomitance of full employment and structural unemployment.
Finally, learn the Western way of governance of unemployment, structural unemployment proposes solutions to some of the feasibility of our proposal.
Western economists focus on their long and also formed various theories of structural unemployment, but since its strict definition are not perfect.
As I said, structural unemployment isn't a real problem, it's an excuse - a reason not to act on America's problems at a time when action is desperately needed.
Science and technology's progress has promoted economic growth and created new employment opportunities, but also brought structural unemployment, inevitably.
Therefore, properly resolve the problem of college students structural unemployment have a great significance for achieve the balance of labor supply and demand.
It is certainly hard to spot bubbles; but central Banks already grapple with other imponderables, such as the size of the output gap or the level of structural unemployment.
They also aim to determine which arrangements (via institutional, legal and social security frameworks) might best be able to prevent or relieve structural unemployment.
This paper analyzes the characteristics and the causes of structural unemployment in the economic transitional period, and makes some countermeasures to solve the problem.
According to the thinking above, the thesis studies the forming mechanism of the structural unemployment in China, and tries to find the efficient countermeasure to treat it.
These various schemes may help the cyclically unemployed find work and, in so far as those people would have become permanently unemployed, help reduce structural unemployment too.
Currently, besides structural unemployment, another serious problem in respect of employment China is facing is the excess of the total volume of workforce supply over demand.
Structural unemployment is the unemployment that results because the number of jobs available in some labor markets is insufficient to provide a job for everyone who wants one.
Form above discussion, it is concluded that structural unemployment is the inevitable result of economic gain, and easing it has a significant effect on accomplishing full employment.
The structural unemployment has been the general type of unemployment in China because of the low quality and the simple skills of the labor force and the imperfection of the labor force market.
The structural unemployment has been the general type of unemployment in China because of the low quality and the simple skills of the labor force and the imperfection of the labor force market.