The Financial Services Authority (FSA), which supervises individual firms, will be recast as a subsidiary of the Bank of England.
The British financial authorities also had two drills in the past year, one of which examined the impact on a British clearing bank of the failure in London of a foreign banking subsidiary.
In January 2008 the site released stolen documents from Julius Baer, a Swiss bank, including bank records of about 1,600 clients with accounts at a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands.
'it is hardly imaginable that Citigroup would let down Citibank in Hungary,' says Peter Felcsuti, head of Raiffeisen bank, the Hungarian subsidiary of Austrian-based Raiffeisen Zentralbank.
奥地利Raiffeisen Zentralbank驻匈牙利分行负责人Peter Felcsuti说,很难想像花旗集团会让花旗银行在匈牙利的分行垮掉。
Proposed organization, subsidiary of the World Bank, dealing with lending for energy.
It is also a subsidiary of a French Bank. After the transaction was consummated, the French slashed the benefits of all policyholders by 25%.
Under a "one bank" strategy it has erased the name of its investment-banking subsidiary, Credit Suisse First Boston.
Article 21 The Peoples Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue Treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches.
Article 21 The Peoples Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue Treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches.