The subsidized housing is solid, and residents receive a small annual stipend.
Oh, so many. By subsidized housing, do you mean that the company will assist the employees in purchasing a house?
Well, we have health insurance, endowment insurance, transportation allowances, luncheon allowances, and subsidized housing.
So as "visitors" to a city, they often face higher medical and school fees and can be cut off from subsidized housing and other social services.
What the fiscal calamity calls in doubt is Revenue Bonds that back specific projects such as subsidized housing, toll roads, land acquisitions, and nursing homes.
But the income would be reliable. She could expect steady raises, manageable hours, six weeks of vacation, a good pension and the usual benefits — from free health care to subsidized housing.
Around the world, governments have subsidized the housing of middle- and upper-income groups.
The housing projects are subsidized by the government.
The charity also operates a low-income housing unit in central San Francisco, where it offers subsidized rent and programs that include after-school care for children.
Mr. Li, who also receives subsidized meals and housing in a company dormitory, says he sends about half of his earnings home every month.
Based on these, the paper has identified a coverage of Urban housing social security in Changsha City: overall is 20%, and include 15% of affordable housing and 5% of subsidized rental house.
Based on these, the paper has identified a coverage of Urban housing social security in Changsha City: overall is 20%, and include 15% of affordable housing and 5% of subsidized rental house.