She is the mother of your children and a domestic goddess that runs your household and your family while still succeeding in a career and myriad other duties.
He had many a time heard of this thing succeeding but never of its failing before.
For a while, it looked as if I were succeeding.
All of this increases the chances of succeeding in a fight or running away from, say, an aggressive jaguar.
I accept that it's OK if things don't work out, that failure is actually a part of succeeding.
If you know how to document, test, and debug a complete script, you have a much greater chance of succeeding at one-liners.
NASDAQ and ICE knew they would have to offer substantially more than the Germans to have a chance of succeeding.
Why will pattern-based reuse have a better chance of succeeding?
The purpose of this article is to present a few tips on succeeding with systematic reuse based on my experience with various projects.
Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding.
She is the mother of your children (if you have them) and a domestic goddess that runs your household and your family while still succeeding in a career and myriad other duties.
Remember the second reason for succeeding in a job search: focus on the needs of the people in the organization.
The procedure of one’s succeeding is a continuous process of hard, is a process of constant insist, continuously surpass.
For a man - at least as far as his hormone system is concerned - succeeding, competing and beating his rivals is very much still a matter of life and death.
By contrast, first-time entrepreneurs have only an 18% chance of succeeding and entrepreneurs who previously failed have a 20% chance of succeeding.
Avoid Newly-Formed Charities and Give to an Established charity That Has Worked in Haiti - Establishing a new charity is hard enough, but in a crisis, the odds of succeeding are slim to none.
The greater the probability of succeeding is usually directly related to how little of a safety net is in place.
One was quite fast, but had a limited probability of succeeding. The other way of doing it was quite slow, but had a very good probability of working.
How is this "do well" word succeed related to one person succeeding another in a job?
In fact it was glad this year to get rid of Winterthur insurance, which it bought in 1997 in the hope of succeeding as a financial conglomerate; it didn't.
实际上今年瑞士信贷很高兴甩掉了1997年购入的Winterthur insurance,当时买下它是为了组成一个金融巨头,但收购并不成功。
If you're making a resolution, then it pays to do a bit of planning and give yourself a better chance of succeeding.
But succeeding in social media requires allowing customer control of the message, at least to a certain degree.
Our empirical model indicates that entrepreneurs who succeeded in a prior venture (i.e., started a company that went public) have a 30% chance of succeeding in their next venture.
Decisions based on an accurate picture of human nature have a better chance of succeeding than those that are not.
If you can stare this reality in the eye and still want to bet the firm on a rewrite, you may have a chance of succeeding.
Tread softly but confidently through the sticky topics — succeeding in this will likely set you up for a rewarding relationship with your next employer.
Succeeding in your chosen career and becoming a true expert requires that you fail not just once or twice, but again and again.
Succeeding in your chosen career and becoming a true expert requires that you fail not just once or twice, but again and again.