Drinking lots of water or chewing sugarless gum can also help.
Makers of other sugarless brands are free to apply for their own seals.
The other half brushed normally twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and took plain sugarless mints.
Allison Aubrey: If you happen to check out the packaging of sugarless gum, you notice all kinds of health claims.
The nation's largest dental group said chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after each meal can reduce tooth decay.
Subjects ate whatever they wanted on feast days but consumed only calorie-free beverages and sugarless gum on fast days.
Before endorsing sugarless gum, the ADA examined six studies that were funded by Wrigley and published in dental journals.
In each of the studies, some patients chewed no gum and others chewed sugarless gum three times a day after surgery for five to 45 minutes.
The foyer has a $5, 000 coffee machine, 18 different teas served in fine bone china from a silver tray and an oven baking sugarless muffins to mask the medicinal smell.
Lucky for most of us wishing to be slim and fit, many of the major producers of chocolate have their sugarless chocolate alternative apart from their mainstream sugared counterparts.
Adopting high-quality natural guava as raw material which applies to hyperglycemia and high blood fat people, this product is sugarless with a cool and smooth taste and a refreshment function.
Adopting high-quality natural guava as raw material which applies to hyperglycemia and high blood fat people, this product is sugarless with a cool and smooth taste and a refreshment function.