Thee second Sunday of May is mother's day, mother's Day is the last night, I secretly resolved: I must look good tomorrow, let her have a happy holiday.
五月份的第二个星期天是母亲节,是妈妈的节日,昨天晚上我就暗暗下了决心:我明天一定要好好表现一下,让妈妈过个愉快的节日。 !
Though Sunday is set aside as a day for rest, we ought to devise some. Good ways of spending it.
Though Sunday is set aside as a day for rest, we ought to devise some . good ways of spending it.
Sunday is the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month, and many people will get their 1st haircut of the new year as a good luck charm.
Sunday is the 2nd day of the 2nd lunar month, and many people will get their 1st haircut of the new year as a good luck charm.