The number of thunderstorm day and the fog day was increased but the sunshine duration was decreased.
The trends of air temperature, precipitation and sunshine duration changes exhibited spatial variations over the research regions.
Cloudy conditions prevailed for most of April. The total bright sunshine duration was only 73.6 hours, the tenth-lowest April record.
The seasonal difference in sunshine duration was evident, and decreasing amplitude in season was winter, summer, autumn and spring in turn.
The temporal distribution characteristics of sunshine duration and its spatial variation with different altitude, slope and aspect were analyzed.
The changing environment around the meteorological observing station and human activities also influenced the change of temperature and sunshine duration.
The meteorological yield of maize in Liaoning Province was mainly affected by precipitation and sunshine duration, and different regions had different effects.
The degree of rice grain chalkiness increased with increasing mean temperature and sunshine duration from the south to the north during the grain ripening stage.
The open system is not suitable for adoption in solar photovoltaic engineering because of its inefficiency through analyzing the national sunshine duration table.
The main research achievements are as follows:There was a decreasing trend of the sunshine duration and sunshine percentage of year and growing season from 1951 to 2008.
Evaporation from Erhai Lake decreases with the increase of total cloud cover and relative humidity, and it increases with the increase of mean wind speed and sunshine duration.
The sunshine duration is long, the temperature difference is big, the frost-free period is long, and the annual solar radiation amount is much, which is good for the growth of crops.
Expression is: Seasonal light grows to heat up resource in cotton earthnut duration of enough, sunshine accumulates Wen Gao more, effectively, …
Expression is: Seasonal light grows to heat up resource in cotton earthnut duration of enough, sunshine accumulates Wen Gao more, effectively, …