You may see some results listed as being in the Supplemental Index.
This means that a lot of your site ends up in the supplemental index and that's never good.
If your pages are placed in the supplemental index and don't show up in the search results, you'll be missing a lot of opportunities for sales and exposure.
While results from the Supplemental Index are still returned in Google's search results, results in the main index are far more likely to be returned in the search results.
For example, the number of parameters in a URL might exclude a site from being crawled for inclusion in our main index; however, it could still be crawled and added to our supplemental index.
Path name to the main storage file. the names for supplemental files, including index and lock files, will be computed from this.
The gas mixture prepared according to Wobbe index of 12t reference gas can replace natural gas as a supplemental gas source or emergency gas source.
The names for supplemental files, including index and lock files, will be computed from this.
The names for supplemental files, including index and lock files, will be computed from this.