You can classify requirements as supplemental if you do not want their results to affect the overall verdict.
You may see some results listed as being in the Supplemental Index.
While results from the Supplemental Index are still returned in Google's search results, results in the main index are far more likely to be returned in the search results.
They presented their results of some in-depth testing of anti-virus solutions using the cloud as a supplemental method to deliver malware identities.
If your pages are placed in the supplemental index and don't show up in the search results, you'll be missing a lot of opportunities for sales and exposure.
Results showed that, the environmental water demand almost linearly increased with the pollution loading, and exponentially increased with the pollutant concentration of the supplemental water.
Experiment results show that AE technique can be used as a supplemental method to detect mechanic performance of particleboard.
Through the experiment in the specific courses and compulsory courses of long jump the teaching results of applying the CAI supplemental software were compared and studied.
Through the experiment in the specific courses and compulsory courses of long jump the teaching results of applying the CAI supplemental software were compared and studied.