Provisions available in local shops have to be flown into Nunavut on one of the most costly air networks in the world, or brought by supply ship during the few ice-free weeks of summer.
Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden.
The supply ship refreshed the submarines between battles.
The supply ship was the Russian Soyuz TMA-20 which landed in Kazakhstan later that day.
A Chinese polar supply ship is also due in the area with other Chinese vessels on their way.
S. invasion fleet, bombarding and sinking the fleet command vessel "Maropa" and the supply ship "Houston.
Russia plans to use Soyuz boosters to launch a commercial payload and another Progress supply ship by late October.
Tell them they must make the food last. We'll all be on short Commons if the supply ship doesn't get through on time.
Also visible above are many different types of modules, a robotic arm, another impressive set of solar panels, and a supply ship.
The unmanned supply ship docked with the station Wednesday bringing propellant water experiment hardware and other items to the three crew members on board.
The unmanned supply ship docked with the station Wednesday, bringing propellant, water, experiment hardware, and other items to the three crew members on board.
In the Indian Ocean in March 1941, HMAS Canberra intercepted the German supply ship Coburg and oiler Ketty Brovig and both ships were scuttled by their crews.
Operating range: container transportation, bulk cargo transport, ship agents, crew management, fuel supply ship, ship leasing, crew recruitment, training and crew assignment, and so on.
One land mine blowing up one ship and choking the world's oil supply pays for the entire Navy Marine mammal program and its robotics program for a long time.
It would cut down on surplus supply and the energy and materials needed to produce and ship it.
An agreement in principle to ship some of Iran’s mounting stocks of low-enriched uranium abroad for further processing, to supply a research reactor in Tehran.
As the vessel's orchestra played soothing music to calm the passengers, women and children were escorted to the limited supply of lifeboats, leaving healthy young men to go down with the sinking ship.
I wonder if you could supply us with 30 tons of fresh water before our ship leaves.
With analysis of implement and type selection for steam turbine power supply on LNG ship, the authors forecast the development of new-generation propulsion equipment for LNG ship in future.
However China's nuclear vessels are not intended not as a power supply for the ship itself but to generate electricity for given coastal locations.
You can repair the torn sails and restock the ship and supply fresh navigation charts.
The outlet is mainly the sea transportation ships and the engineering ship bunker oil supply.
Under normal "at sea" condition the exhaust gas section to supply heat capacity for machinery and Ship services.
Under normal "at sea" condition the exhaust gas section to supply heat capacity for machinery and Ship services.