No treatment other than supportive care exists for canine distemper.
There is no specific treatment for yellow fever, only supportive care to treat dehydration and fever.
Intensive supportive care with treatment of symptoms is the main approach to managing the infection in people.
Supportive care may improve outcomes for seriously ill patients, but it is rarely available in poorer areas.
Supportive care for acute diarrhea consists primarily of providing adequate oral (or rarely iv) rehydration.
This book describes the principles and practice of surgery in the context of palliative and supportive care.
Elderly patients were less likely to have a liver transplant and more likely to receive supportive care only.
We provide a brief review of the use of quality measures to assess supportive care in the medical oncology office.
Treatment is supportive care although there is a questionable benefit to using coenzyme Q and vitamin supplements.
Each volume therefore provides practical guidance on the supportive care of patients at all stages of the illness.
The updated clinical practice guidelines for managing these kids were recently published and emphasize supportive care.
We conducted a randomized trial that compared radiotherapy and supportive care with supportive care alone in such patients.
In both groups, management upon disease progression was at the clinician's discretion, though this was primarily supportive care.
The questionnaire, which was completed by 802 women, included items on demographics, supportive care needs, and lymphedema-related needs.
Supportive care at home - resting, drinking plenty of fluids and using a pain reliever to reduce aches - is adequate for recovery in most cases.
After initial resuscitation, specific treatment is directed at the underlying condition. Additional supportive care is guided by the type of shock.
Corneal abrasions typically heal without serious complications over time with supportive care: ice compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops.
Unlike traditional palliative care, which grew from terminal care of cancer patients, supportive care is not restricted to dying patients and neither to cancer.
OBJECTIVE:To explore the clinical significance of water-soluble vitamins for injection in supportive care of postoperative tumor patients undergoing chemotherapy.
QOPI has demonstrated that medical oncologists voluntarily engage in self-assessment and often select measures related to supportive care for measurement and improvement.
METHODS: Supportive care needs survey (SCNS) was performed in 317 cancer patients with the first diagnosis of breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectum cancer and lung cancer.
Best supportive care in addition to active treatment remains important for all patients, but may be the exclusive option for patients unsuitable for more aggressive therapy.
Severe cases require intensive supportive care, as patients are frequently dehydrated and in need of intravenous fluids or oral rehydration with solutions containing electrolytes.
Would you consider treatment of patients who previously got best supportive care rather than an active 1st line treatment? What proportion of these patients would you consider?
As with all single arm studies, one cannot say how much of the overall increase in cure is due to the various aspects of the protocol, including improvements in supportive care.
Some 360 contacts are being followed up by the teams in Uige, but more improvements are needed to detect cases earlier, ensure their isolation and supportive care, and find and manage contacts.
Multiple randomized trials, as well as a meta-analysis support the ability of platinum-based chemotherapy to prolong survival compared to best supportive care in advanced disease patients.
Severe complications from measles can be avoided though supportive care that ensures good nutrition, adequate fluid intake and treatment of dehydration with WHO-recommended oral rehydration solution.
Severe complications from measles can be avoided though supportive care that ensures good nutrition, adequate fluid intake and treatment of dehydration with WHO-recommended oral rehydration solution.