A strong and supportive policy environment is needed for the HEF to exercise their active purchasing role fully.
Nothing else is as sensitive as health policy, and the Lib Dems have been supportive elsewhere.
The policy options and interventions available for national action can be grouped into 10 recommended target areas, which are mutually supportive and complementary. These 10 areas are.
This has also raised questions over supportive measures for the policy, including the two-child policy, which could add to unemployment and put more pressure on the younger generation.
Thus the macroeconomic policy mix should be dollar supportive in the short run but dollarsubversive in the longer term.
As more data have accumulated, it's less and less supportive of the case for salt reduction, but the advocates seem more determined than ever to change policy.
As more data have accumulated, it's less and less supportive of the case for salt reduction, but the advocates seem more determined than ever to change policy.