Objective To study prognostic factors after surgical procedure for distal bile duct cancer.
Like any surgical procedure, male circumcision isn't without risk of unpleasant complications.
Vertebral augmentation is a surgical procedure used to treat a compression fracture of the spine.
The diagnosis, surgical procedure and complications of substernal goiter are discussed in this study.
Whenever feasible, ossicular reconstruction was performed at the time of the initial surgical procedure.
"This is not a medical or surgical procedure," said Kitagawa, acupuncture therapist and owner of Yojo spa.
EXAMPLE: The team of doctors and nurses take a few minutes to prep before starting the surgical procedure.
ASPS figures show that it was the fourth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States in 2008.
Multiport laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard surgical procedure for symptomatic gallbladder diseases.
Draping is an important step in any surgical procedure and should not be assigned to an inexperienced assistant.
Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure.
Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30minutes surgical procedure.
Patients placed in the sitting position for a surgical procedure may become hypotensive, especially if hypovolemic.
What would you say to someone considering a stent or other surgical procedure or drug therapy, to treat their heart disease?
The most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States is the boob job. It's as American as a football cheerleader.
New York plastic surgoen Dr. Lajos Nagy created a surgical procedure to make human ears pointed, like a mythological creature.
纽约外科整形医生LajosNagy博士创造了一项外科手术叫做人耳削尖术, 看起来像神话里的物种。
For example, intravenous injection may be used to complete the puncture resistance of the surgical procedure associated control.
It is expected that Bacary will be out for approximately three months and a surgical procedure cannot be ruled out at this stage.
or laser-assisted uvuloplasty, a surgical procedure that removes the uvula and surrounding tissue behind the palate, opening the airways.
Phase III trials: These studies test a new drug, a new combination of drugs, or a new surgical procedure in comparison to the current standard.
Conclusion Periosteum flap of occipital bone pedicled with the blood vessel could be used in the surgical procedure of occipito-cervical fusion.
The most sought after surgical procedure was the liposuction. About 455,489 women did a liposuction in 2005 and I'm sure the number is much higher now.
Neirathen suggested that it might be possible to dispense with the invasive, hazardous and costly surgical procedure and just use lasers on theirown.
In patients with suspected or known pancreatic disease, ERCP will help determine the need for surgery or the best type of surgical procedure to be performed.
A recent study found that nine out of ten people who’d had a routine surgical procedure within the previous six to 12 months were unhappy with their scar.
Also, many of the patients who were randomized to the group that was to have surgery withdrew from the study without ever undergoing the surgical procedure.
Your surgical procedure will depend on whether your project just needs the electronic pulse generator. or a clock with working hands that continues to tell time.
If they're still symptomatic, then there is a surgical procedure to alleviate the problem: Make a slit and open the tunnel so the nerve has more breathing space.
If they're still symptomatic, then there is a surgical procedure to alleviate the problem: Make a slit and open the tunnel so the nerve has more breathing space.