These weak points are minimized for applications that fall within the Rails sweet spot I described earlier, but they can be big issues at the fringes.
The physical properties of the material help determine which wavelengths of light will be perfectly absorbed; for the initial silicon device the sweet spot is in the near infrared.
To achieve complete threat neutralization, the EKV will collide with the warhead's "sweet spot," an area just a few centimeters wide where the missile's payload is located.
They key is to have work that hits you in the sweet spot - not too easy, not too hard.
If you're in the Rails sweet spot, your application is significant enough that the incremental hosting cost is insignificant compared to the value you get from using Rails.
The site's "sweet spot" will be manager, senior manager and vice president-level positions, and in two or three months, most of the jobs will be unique to the site, Jablow says.
Hitting the sweet spot between modularity, performance and readability is quite hard and is only something that comes with a lot of practice and experience.
To arrive at this sweet spot, both sides need to adjust – and there, admittedly, lies quite a problem.
There is a “sweet spot” for piracy: countries like Cambodia or Cameroon provide far more conducive environments for it than Haiti, Liberia and Sierra Leone, which are too dysfunctional.
This is a straightforward trade-off and it is up to individual companies to find the sweet spot.
I think the channel semantics (lose ownership of a message when it is sent) is a sweet spot in the trade-off among efficiency, verification, and expressiveness.
Choose the flavored cappuccino instead for a fat-free, lower-calorie, lower-sugar alternative that will hit your sweet spot just the same.
Toachieve complete threat neutralization, the EKV will collide with the warhead’s“sweet spot, ” an area just a few centimeters wide where the missile’s payloadis located.
为了完全化解导弹威胁,大气层外拦截器(EKV)将会在弹头的“最佳有效点”位置进行撞击。 “最佳有效点”就在弹头有效载荷几厘米宽的区域范围内。
You have to move the screen around to find the sweet spot and then you can't move.
The chief problem: They tend to have a very narrow viewing sweet spot-you can't shift too far to either side without being left with an image that's blurry at best and nauseating at worst.
Though, the project might not fall in the of intersection of all the four factors however, the key is to strive and select a pilot project which is closest to the sweet spot.
And if you're only able to take in a little bit, make sure your tongue pays attention to that sweet spot.
The "sweet spot" for a small (4 CPU) database server is servicing 100-200 connections.
小型(4个CPU)数据库服务器的“最佳状态”是提供100- 200个连接。
The research highlights that the "sweet spot" of big data varies for each organization, but that considerable advantages can be gained across every sector.
He adeptly points out the sweet spot for Agile methods, why they work, and benefits you gain from them.
他老练的指出了sweet spot作为敏捷方法,以及为什么使用它以及您能从中获得的好处。
The iPad is still the first, and best-selling, product of its kind. Competitors, meanwhile, are having trouble hitting that $500 sweet spot.
The reason: When you play a handheld game, you are less likely significantly shift your position in relation to the screen, making it easier to stay in the viewing sweet spot.
Trips under four hours tend to be the sweet spot for express buses, but Megabus has been adding longer routes and now serves more than 40 cities in the Northeast, Midwest and Canada.
四小时以下的交通旅行是高速巴士公司的新宠,但是Megabus 公司已经开始在东北、中西以及加拿大共40多个城市开展了长途交通运输服务。
Eric Abrahamson, Professor of Management at Columbia Business School and author of a new book a Perfect Mess, says: "There is a sweet spot between complete order and complete disorder."
Testing in LUCENE-843 found that around 48 MB is the sweet spot for that content set, but, your application could have a different sweet spot.
The sweet spot is steadily moving away from “computers” to mobile devices — phones, mainly — and Microsoft‘s mobile operating system has never captured anyone’s imagination, let alone the market.
市场重心将从电脑逐步地转移到移动设备 ——特别是手机上来。微软的 WindowsMobile操作系统从没有合乎人们的意愿,更别提市场了。
“In my view, the sweet spot for amyloid-lowering trials is mild Alzheimer’s disease, ” Dr. Selkoe said.
“In my view, the sweet spot for amyloid-lowering trials is mild Alzheimer’s disease, ” Dr. Selkoe said.