We have a problem here, if we're thinking about keeping things at the lowest energy, so there's a lot of ring strain in the system.
Efficient controls become an extension of the user's body, with theuser being able to rapidly react to the game without even thinking of how tocommand the system.
The same thinking can be applied to other system elements, such as elements supporting business logic or data logic.
Our agile coaches were able to redirect our thinking to focus on what is important now rather than trying to design the entire system and predict a rigid project plan.
Another easy workaround is to use a virtual private network, or VPN, which fools the system into thinking you're outside Egypt.
And, in fact, securing a system leads to thinking deeply about complexity.
Mr Kamath, the chairman of ICICI, India’s biggest private bank, is thinking about appointing an agent in each village who would be given the kit to link up with the bank’s system.
Mr Kamath, the chairman of ICICI, India's biggest private bank, is thinking about appointing an agent in each village who would be given the kit to link up with the bank's system.
These are perpetuated through the education system: students don't question formulas they can use without thinking.
These controls allow you to make easy adjustments to flash and overall exposure while still letting the TTL system do most of the thinking for you. Very handy indeed.
So, we have a problem here if we're thinking about keeping things at the lowest energy, so there's a lot of ring strain in the system.
Thinking about negative Numbers made me also think about MAX_INT: should my solution consider what happens if the user of the system needs long Numbers?
He will say things like "I was in the White House library reading the Journal of Finance, and there's some really interesting thinking about the role of dividends in the system."
Thinking about Linux and storage commonly conjures an image of direct-attached disks or the latest file system, but there's much more to storage and Linux than meets the eye.
关于Linux和存储通常让人想到直接附加存储或最新的文件系统,但是关于存储和 Linux还有比所看到的多得多的东西。
When you are designing your system, make sure you don’t fall into the trap of thinking “Where should I put this?”
The system works best when a person is first scanned while thinking of dozens of different concrete nouns –words like "bear" or "hammer."
Your goal is to protect the system as well as you can within the constraints of the business. When thinking about security, you ideally should.
Would we not be better off to design a system in which the explicit incentives encourage long-term thinking, value creation and contribution to society?
Finally, when thinking about your design and your tolerance for staleness, you need to determine what the actual system of record is in your overall application design.
Generally, a computer system is comprised of different "sub" systems so a programmer needs to have some design or top-down thinking skills to see the program from the larger picture.
But they're not thinking about it as a platform - they're thinking about it as controlling the current electric system.
But if a child leaves school thinking that humans don't share a common ancestor with other apes, isn't the truth just that the education system failed them?
Their goal has been to trick the body into thinking that a foreign organ is really a native one, so that its immune system refrains from rejecting the foreigner.
During the Inception phase, you should start thinking about the initial architecture of your system, both from a business point of view and from a technical point of view.
We now see that no logic except bio-logic can assemble a thinking device, or even a workable system of any magnitude.
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Most of his ideas can be rendered down to a system of thinking based on outdated facts.
Most of his ideas can be rendered down to a system of thinking based on outdated facts.